Tap Dance
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March 2024 - Two new pieces of my tap dance scholarship were published!
Check out my book review of Behind the Screen: Tap Dance, Race, and Invisibility During Hollywoods' Golden Age by Brynn W. Shiovitz
You know that cringing moment when you're watching an old, beloved tap dance musical and WHAM! the minstrel mask fills the screen? Behind the Screen is the complex, multilayered answer to our reaction of, “WTF?! Blackface? What was Hollywood thinking?!”
"Tapping the Margins: Feminist Research in Tap History" published in Dance Chronicle
In the early 2000s, scholars Ann Kilkelly and Mary Neth researched women in tap dance, analyzing intersecting constructions of gender, race, class, and sexuality in tap history. My article details their unprecedented research archive and examines Ann Kilkelly’s feminist, personal, and embodied explorations of tap dance history.